Visual Benedictions: Artist Prayer Offerings
Information for Artists
On July 8, 2021, I had a dream about organizing my teachings around a set of core concepts. Now, five months later, I feel a strong desire to focus my writing on a series of connected themes, so that my work may evolve into a large integrated project. I have a clear vision for Visual Benedictions becoming a set of cards that could also be used as prayer flags. But perhaps the work may become a book, traveling art exhibit, part of an online course, or something else.
Visual Benedictions is a collaborative project that will include the work of many artists, in addition to art pieces of my own. Each person’s artwork will be accompanied by a write-up, which will contain some combination of meditation, experiential exercise, blessing, healing, affirmation, or prayer. Each artist will give input, editing advice, and approval for the write-up that accompanies their piece. (Perhaps some artists may even help to develop the content that will fit with their work.) I will also collaborate with each artist, to write a heartfelt bio, which will hopefully accompany whatever development results from the work.
Ideally, I would love to find a publisher or receive financial backing for the project. I intend to set up a way for people to make contributions. (Or perhaps if necessary, I would do an online fundraiser.) If a publisher or financial backers are found, they may be the ones to determine which images will be included. So there is no guarantee that your work will become part of a published card set, book, or exhibit. (Though I would hope that much of the work would be included.) Before anything is formally published, there will be an official permission form to sign. Also, one will need to obtain a high quality photograph or scan of the art. However, I have no idea at this time what the specific photo or scan requirements would be.
Each artist involved in the project, must be willing to offer their work for free, without expectation of financial remuneration. However, your name will be included with the use of your art, and you will retain all the rights to your work. So you can continue to use your work for your own purposes. Hopefully, the bio and a link to your work will be included with whatever form this project takes. I hope that the goodness of the project itself, as well as potential for publicity, will be compensation enough.
I am committed to continuing this work, regardless of whether or not it generates income or turns into a product. I feel called to organize and integrate my work, simply so that it has potential to grow into something more. I also feel strongly that spiritual teachings should be freely accessible to all. I have lived my life on ridiculously small amounts of money, far below the figure determined to be the poverty level in the US. But I do still need a small amount of income to survive. It would be gratifying to receive small amounts of income for all my work.
If the project were to become financially successful in a bigger way, then my hope would be to compensate those artists involved who are struggling financially. I have no idea if this would ever be possible, so it is best for each person to participate freely, without expectation of financial reward. Also, due to the number of artist that may be involved, it is likely you will have to purchase your own copy of any resulting card set or book that includes your work.
If I am unable to find a publisher, or decide to not follow through with the above ideas, then I will simply continue to publish the work on my website and Instagram as I have been doing. However, initially, I will hold back from freely sharing the work, as some publishers may require that the work not be available online. I hope that you will be inspired and excited to join me in this endeavor. Thank you in advance for allowing me to use your work. I feel grateful for your continued support.