When Immobilized Memories Rise
The image was made on February 17, 2020. It’s number 37 in my series on healing trauma. This drawing continued a dream that I had 2 weeks prior to the making of it. In the dream, when I went back to find a moose that I had seen, the moose had turned into a smooth boulder that resembled an undefined head. The dream communicated that powerful memories may function like immobilized stones in the psyche. This drawing shows a fossilized stone memory surfacing like a Scream from Edvard Munch’s painting. The spiral night references Van Gogh’s Starry Night. This drawing connects to the universality of human suffering, and brings forth feelings of comfort and relief. It also relates to a geode that has opened to reveal a treasure inside, suggesting that emerging wounds and screams are in some ways gifts. I didn't intend any of these connections when I made the drawing. Insights and interpretations came later. Sometimes months and years later. Upon awakening this morning, I realized that my art and dreams have fully woven themselves together. They are now completing each other.
This past month has been a challenging time for me emotionally and physically. I have still been struggling to regain my health after a bout with Covid. Revisiting this drawing brings happiness now, because I feel a sense of collective belonging. Grief, fear, rage, and trauma are shared by all. May healing be shared by all, too.
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